The name of Astora caused nostalgia/homesickness, and that motivated Anri's desires. The Japanese reads: "Armor given to senior knights in the fallen Astora.This set is identical to its counterparts in Dark Souls 1 and 2, and is popularly considered to be the most iconic set from the original Dark Souls.Buy from the Shrine Handmaid in Firelink Shrine after completing Anri of Astora's questline (or killing Anri) for 13500 souls.The mere mention of Astora invoked wistful pangs, and perhaps it was such a dream that drew Anri to this faraway home known only by name. There is cut content of Heide Knights with different helmets, like the Heide Knight Iron Mask.Elite Knight Set is an Armor in Dark Souls 3.Īrmor said to have been given to elite knights of fallen Astora.

In the trailer for the Dark Souls II DLC, the Bearer of the Curse is briefly shown fighting an enemy that seems to be a Heide Knight.The Heide Knight at the Shrine of Winter has been removed in lieu of this. It wears the Heide Knight Iron Mask and drops it upon defeat alongside a Heide Lance in NG+ or higher it can instead drop the Heide Greatlance. A non-respawning one can be found in The Gutter, close to the Aurous' Set at the base of the zip-line tower.The non-respawning Heide Knight that drops the Heide Spear has been moved from The Lost Bastille into Sinners' Rise, in a jail cell before the bridge leading to the Lost Sinner.All six Heide Knights have the chance to drop their armor set, as well as the weapon that they wield (Heide Knight Sword for the five that carry them, and Heide Spear for the one closest to the Cathedral of Blue).The sword-wielder can aggro at the same time as a nearby Old Knight, and the spear-wielder is encountered shortly before the platform where the Guardian Dragon guards the lever into the Cathedral of Blue. One wields the Heide Knight Sword, the other a Heide Spear. The two closest to the Cathedral of Blue will automatically rise and aggro when the player walks close enough to them.The four encountered between the entrance and the Dragonrider begin as non-hostile until the Dragonrider has been defeated after that, subsequent trips to the area will find them already on their feet and patrolling.Six respawning Heide Knights have been added to Heide's Tower of Flame two encountered from the initial entrance, two on the path to the Old Dragonslayer, and two on the path to the Dragonrider.The Heide Knight in Forest of Fallen Giants has been removed, and with it the guaranteed Heide Knight Sword drop.The Knight sitting behind the Shrine of Winter is capable of dropping either of the two Heide Lances, but the Knight himself is equipped with a sword.

This is fixed in Scholar of the First Sin, where they will immediately aggro upon rising to their feet.